Liber Sefirot

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The graphic convention for QBL expression is a mystico-religious map of categorical qualities to encompass any phenomena soever in a correspondence matrix usable for magic and divination called 'Trees of Life'. These are generally composed of 10 circles, sometimes with a semi-qualifying 11th just below what is called 'The Supernal Triad' (see below). These circles, referred to as sefirot (individually, sefira) are connected by lines or strips which may intersect or overlap to show depth and sequence. In a morphological analysis of these maps, it is clear that there are a finite number of variations that are common to them.


Supernal Triad

Proceeding from the uppermost sector of the figures, most feature paths linking the topmost circle with the next two below it (this being the Supernal Triad previously mentioned) yet whether a cross-bridging path is placed between the secondary and tertiary circles is the basis for the first variation in the figures.