Plebeian Tarot Deck (Just Cards for Design)

From Avidyana
Revision as of 06:14, 17 June 2020 by Nagasiva (talk | contribs) (through H)
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Art from the Blue Owl Lenormand '10 Scythe' with Visconti-Sforza King of Coins and Jack of Diamonds inset


Art from Baraldi's "Tarot of the Journey to the Orient": 'The Fool' card

76 -- FOOL

Art from Oswald Wirth's Tarot: "le Bateleur" card

77 -- MAGE

Art from Oswald Wirth's Tarot: "le Papess"

78 -- WITCH

Art from Indian religious iconography of Lakshmi

79 -- QUEEN

Art from Pamela Colman Smith's Trump "The Emperor"

80 -- KING

Art from Lady Frieda Harris's Trump"The Hierophant"

81 -- GUIDE

Art from Lady Frieda Harris's Trump "The Lovers"

82 -- LOVE

Art from a composite of Pamela Coleman Smith's Trump "The Chariot" and a holy card for Saint Joan of Arc, collage with a crab embellishment by Nigris (333)

83 -- CART

Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ
Art from YYZ