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Elder Things: "Six feet end to end, three and five-tenths feet central diameter, tapering to one foot at each end. Like a barrel with five bulging ridges in place of staves. Lateral breakages, as of thinnish stalks, are at equator in middle of these ridges. In furrows between ridges are curious growths—combs or wings that fold up and spread out like fans ... which gives almost seven-foot wing spread." -- H. P. Lovecraft, "At the Mountains of Madness"; Photo source

Corrupting, loathsome Bull-Men, linked together; Photo source
SKSKSLYM; 25; down
ThANTYPTzTh; 32; up
Shell: GMLYAL (114); (also NChShYAL (399) and OWBRYAL (319) (Z, 1))
Transliteration: Gamaliel; (also Nachashiel and Obriel (Z, 2))
Translation: The Obscene Ones; The Obscure Ones (Z)
Description: Corrupting, loathsome Bull-Men, linked together (Z, 3)
Power: Lewdness (N, Z, 1)
Mythos: Tsathoggua, Yig (G)
Virtue: Transmission (G)
Colours: Crystal, Silver (G)
Place: Vaulters (G)
Fairies, Animals, and Natural World: Frog, Bat (G)
Comment: Indecency, Offensive, Uncouth, Uncivilized, Immoral
VOID - Depart into the space between the worlds.