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Shub-Niggurath: "Yog-Sothoth's wife, the hellish cloud-like entity in whose honor nameless cults hold the rite of the Goat with a Thousand Young. She is a perverse fertility deity, an enormous mass which extrudes black tentacles, slime-dripping mouths, and short, writhing goat legs. Small creatures are continually spat forth by the monstrosity, which are either consumed into the miasmatic form or escape to some monstrous life elsewhere. The wife of the Not-to-be-Named One and of Yog-Sothoth she birthed two monstrous offspring -- the evil twins Nug and Yeb." H.P. Lovecraft Selected Letters
Gigantic, black veiled heads with horns and hideous eyes, followed by the malevolent Centaurs called Seiriel

     BRATChYL; 12; down
     DGDGYAL; 14
     ZMRDYAL; 17
     ChARAKYTh; 18; up

Shell: SAThARYAL (703) Transliteration: Satariel; Satorial (Z)
Translation: The Concealers; (also The Destroyers (Z))
Description: Gigantic, black veiled heads with horns and hideous eyes, followed by the malevolent Centaurs called Seiriel (Z)
Power: Secrecy (N); Interference (Z)

Comment: Cloaking, Withholding, Secreting, Hiding

VOID - Depart into the space between the worlds.