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Resistance: "A, the heart of IAO, dwelleth in ecstasy in the secret place of the thunders. Between Asar and Asi he abideth in joy."

     Shell 1; ThAWMYAL; down
     Shell 2; OWGYAL; up

Path Number: 11
Demon: Amprodias
Transliteration: AMPRVDYS
Transliteration Value: 401
Sigil Description: "Gaping mouth"
Sigil Colour: "In luminous pale yellow on square ground of emerald flecked with gold"
Evocation: A'u-iao-u'a [AC, DG]
Evocation Key: E
Evocation Method: "This shadow may be evoked by vibrating the name Amprodias in the key of 'E'."
CCXXXI Text: "0. A, the heart of IAO, dwelleth in ecstasy in the secret place of the thunders. Between Asar and Asi he abideth in joy." [AC]
Order Value: 488 [SK]
Order Transliteration: ThAVMIEL [SK]
Order English: Thaumiel [SK]
Order Significance: Twins Gods, dual contending forces [SK]; The Bicephalous Ones, dual giant heads with bat-like wings [SM] [PZ]; Twins of God, the two contending forces [IR]
Principle: Resistance [TT]
Disease: Black moon-blood, dysentery, 'untimely' discharges of lunar energy; Fluxes [7]
Psychological Aspect: Madness
Gods, Demons, and Spirits: Afefe, Aphophis, Legba, Nuit, Nyarlathotep, Pan, Satan, Yog-Sothoth
Fairies, Animals, and Natural World: Eagle, man, vampiric sylph; Eagle, man, vampiric sylph; Cherub of air, sylph [7]
Weapons: Dagger, dorje, fan; Dagger, fan [7]
Reversal: Recklessness [AD]; Blind impulse, lack of direction [FG]; Recklessness [MG]; Reluctance [SS]; Stupidity, thoughtlessness [T]

VOID - Depart into the space between the worlds.