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Sterility: "The Virgin of God is enthroned upon an oyster-shell; she is like a pearl, and seeketh 70 to her 4. In her heart is Hadit the invisible glory."; Art by hara

     Shell 2; OWGYAL; down
     Shell 3; SAThARYAL; up

Path Number: 14
Demon: Dagadgiel
Transliteration: DGDGYAL
Transliteration Value: 55
IMAGE URL: http://www.satanservice.org/graphics/kleppot/dagadgiel.jpg
Sigil Description: "Daleth reversed and in the form of a gallows from which hangs an inverted triangle above the letters AVD"
Sigil Colour: "In vivid sky blue on a circle of bright rose rayed with paled green"
Evocation: Denastarartaroth [AC, DG]
Evocation Key: F-sharp
Evocation Method: "The name ... Dagdagiel. ...may be evoked by vibrating her name in the key of F' sharp accompanied by a crooning or lilting sound.""
CCXXXI Text: "3. The Virgin of God is enthroned upon an oyster-shell; she is like a pearl, and seeketh 70 to her 4. In her heart is Hadit the invisible glory." [AC]
Order: ORB ZRQ
Order Value: 579 [SK]
Order Transliteration: ORB ZRQ [SK]
Order English: A'arab Zaraq [AC]; Oreb Zarak [DG]; Arab Zereq [SK]; Harab Serapel [SM]; Gharab Tzerek [IR]
Order Significance: Ravens of Dispersion [SK]
Principle: Sterility [TT]
Disease: Gonorrhea, nymphomania, syphillis; Gonorrhea, syphillis [7]
Psychological Aspect: Disorganized schizophrenia [TT]
Gods, Demons, and Spirits: Aphrodite, Champana, Cottyto, Hathor, Kapris, Lalitya, Odudua, Venus
Fairies, Animals, and Natural World: Dove, raven, scorpion, snake, sow, sparrow, spider, succubus; Dove, sparrow, swan, succubus [7]
Weapons: Girdle; Girdle [7]
Reversal: Domestic upheaval [AD]; Coquetry, vanity [FG]; Vanity [MG]; Barrenness [SS]; Frivolity [T]

VOID - Depart into the space between the worlds.