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For Qliphotic and Tree of Death Assignments
Notes for Qliphotic and Tree of Death Assignments


Revision as of 17:34, 28 January 2020

Notes for Qliphotic and Tree of Death Assignments

7 - 777
AC - Aleister Crowley
AD - Alfred Douglas
DG - David Godwin
FG - Fred Gettings
SK - Stephen Skinner
ML - Michelen Linden
SM - S. L. MacGregor Mathers
IR - Israel Regardie
SS - Sally Gearhart/Susan Rennie
T - Traditional per Mary K. Greer
TT - Troll Towelhead
AW - A. E. Waite
PZ - Patrick Zalewski

C - Aleister Crowley
D - Alfred Douglas
G - David Godwin
M - S. L. MacGregor Mathers
R - Israel Regardie
S - Sally Gearhart/Susan Rennie
W - A. E. Waite
N - nagasiva yronwode
Z - Patrick Zalewski

Numbers listed after attributions are notes.

1 - This is my interpretation of Zalewski's text. 2 - Zalewski translates these as 'Evil Serpents and Blind Dragon Force'. 3 - Probably locked in anal intercourse.

A portion of a full Bibliography of Qliphotic Sources, which see.